Publications sur les recherches de:

Physique quantique

Énergie du vide

Champs de torsion

Géométrie dans l'Univers

Résonances de Schumann

Évolution et darwinisme

Nassim Haramein

Luc Montagnier

Joël Sternheimer et les protéodies

Peter Gariaev

Monde de l'économie et des finances


Les fondements de la nouvelle science:
Archives de publications scientifiques

Les thèmes scientifiques que j'expose dans ce site font appel à des sources diverses, incluant des textes scientifiques originaux publiés dans des revues scientifiques en anglais, dont je donne la référence.

Parce que ces publications sont assez difficiles à dénicher dans le foisonnement de la toile, et que de plus elles disparaissent si le site s'arrête d'exister, j'ai décidé de placer une copie de certaines d'entre elles dans mon propre site. Quand elle existe, j'y ajoute la traduction française.

Le choix de ces publications est dicté par leur contribution essentielle à l'émergence d'un nouveau paradigme de la science, assez peu enseigné dans les formations scientifiques. Sciences physiques et biologiques reposent dorénavant sur les notions de champ unitaire, d'information, de fractale, d'hologramme, de schéma directeur. Elles ne sont plus séparées de la spiritualité. Bien au contraire, elles réussissent à englober des notions depuis longtemps avancées par les enseignements spirituels. Elles montrent l'unité et la connexion de toute chose.

Les fondements de la physique quantique

Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?

A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, N. Rosen, 1935, Physical Review, 47, 15, 777

In a complete theory there is an element corresponding to each element of reality. A sufficient condition for the reality of a physical quantity is the possibility of predicting it with certainty, without disturbing the system. In quantum mechanics in the case of two physical quantities described by non-commuting operators, the knowledge of one precludes the knowledge of the other. Then either (1) the description of reality given by the wave function in quantum mechanics is not complete or (2) these two quantities cannot have simultaneous reality. Consideration of the problem of making predictions concerning a system on the basis of measurements made on another system that had previously interacted with it leads to the result that if (1) is false then (2) is also false. One is thus led to conclude that the description of reality as given by a wave function is not complete.

Copyright (c) 1935 the American Physical Society

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Article de présentation dans ce site: Les fondements de la physique quantique

La dynamique du guidage dans un milieu réfringent et dispersif et la théorie des antiparticules

Louis de Broglie, 1967, Le Journal de Physique, 28, 481

L?auteur examine, dans le cadre de ses idées sur la réinterprétation de la Mécanique ondulatoire, quel doit être le «mouvement de guidage» du corpuscule dans son onde quand l'onde se propage dans un milieu réfringent dispersif et, en particulier, quand la vitesse de groupe est en sens inverse de la vitesse de phase. Il montre que l'on est ainsi conduit à envisager d'une façon très nouvelle le problème des antiparticules.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: Les fondements de la physique quantique

Demonstration of single-electron build-up of an interference pattern

A. Tonomura, J. Endo, T. Matsuda, T. Kawasaki, H. Ezawa, 1989, American Journal of Physics, 57, 117-120

The wave/particle duality of electrons was demonstrated in a kind of two?slit interference experiment using an electron microscope equipped with an electron biprism and a position sensitive electron counting system. Such an experiment has been regarded as a pure thought experiment that can never be realized. This article reports an experiment that successfully recorded the actual buildup process of the interference pattern with a series of incoming single electrons in the form of a movie.

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The many worlds of Hugh Everett

Peter Byrne, 2007, Scientific American, 98

After his now celebrated theory of multiple universes met scorn, Hugh Everett abandoned the world of academic physics. He turned to top-secret military research and led a tragic private life

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Realization of discrete states during fluctuations in macroscopic processes

S E Shnoll, V A Kolombet, E V Pozharski, T A Zenchenko, I M Zvereva, A A Konradov, Physics - Uspekhi 1998, 41, 10, 1025 - 1035

It is shown that due to fluctuations, a sequence of discrete values is generated by successive measurement events whatever the type of the process measured. The corresponding histograms have much the same shape at any given time and for processes of a different nature and are very likely to change shape simultaneously for various processes and in widely distant laboratories. For a series of successive histograms, any given one is highly probably similar to its nearest neighbors and occurs repeatedly with a period of 24 hours, 27 days, and about 365 days, thus implying that the phenomenon has a very profound cosmophysical (or cosmogonic) origin.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: Les fondements de la physique quantique

Russian Discovery Challenges Existence of Absolute Time

Jonathan Tennenbaum, 21st Century Science and Technology Magazine, summer 2000

Russian scientists discover unexpected regularities in radioactive decay, linked to astronomical cycles

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Les débuts de la théorie quantique des champs (1925 - 1948)

Olivier Darrigol, thèse de troisième cycle, 1982

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'éther et l'énergie de l'espace selon la physique quantique

L'éther ou champ d'énergie du point zéro

Experimental detection of the ether

Ernest Wilbur Silvertooth, Spec. Sci Tech. 1986, Vol.10 No.1 p.3-11

Michelson-Morley type experiments are shown to be non-sequitors because their logic fails to take into account the relationship between wavelength and propagation velocity. An experimental demonstration of anisotropy in wavelength is described.

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Motion through the ether

Ernest W. Silvertooth, Electronics & Wirelessworld, 1989, 437

Using a novel interferometer, the author claims to have demonstrated the existence of the ether and to have disproved the principle of Relativity.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'éther et l'énergie de l'espace selon la physique quantique

A Replication of the Silvertooth Experiment

Doug Marett, Conspiracy of light, 2012

Described herein is a replication of Silvertooth?s experiment of 1986/1992. The analysis starts by re-performing the wavelength difference method described in these two papers and examining the distance required to move a standing wave sensor (SWD)/mirror system on a translation stage to register a phase inversion. After performing this procedure repeatedly over a number of sessions between June and December 2011, a similar 12 hour pattern of change was seen conforming to the original observation of Silvertooth. The experiment is then repeated using a new method involving measuring the frequency generated at the two sensors using an oscillating stage driven by piezo actuation. Finally, experiments are performed to try to determine the true cause of the diurnal pattern of presumptive wavelength change, focusing on the HeNe laser and its beam pointing stability over time. The final conclusion is that the wavelength of light measured in the system is not changing in a manner dependent on sidereal direction. The cause of this diurnal pattern turns out to be something far more mundane.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'éther et l'énergie de l'espace selon la physique quantique

Einige Argumente für die Annahme einer molekularen Agitation beim absoluten Nullpunkt - (Quelques arguments pour l'adoption d'une agitation moléculaire au zéro absolu)

A. Einstein und O. Stern, Annalen der Physik, 1913, Volume 345, Issue 3, pages 551?560, Copyright © 1913 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA

1. Die Euckensche Resultate über die spezifische Wärme des Wasserstoffs machen die Existenz einer Nullpunktsenergie h.ν2 wahrscheinlich.
2. Die Annahme der Nullspunktenergie eröffnet einen Weg, die Plancksche Strahlungsformel ohne Zuhilfenahme irgendwelcher Diskontinuitäten abzuleiten. Es erscheint jedoch zweifelhaft, ob auch die anderen Schwierigkeiten sich ohne die Annahme von Quanten werden bewältigen lassen.

Traduction approximative:

1. Les résultats d'Eucken sur la chaleur spécifique de l'hydrogène rendent probable l'existence d'une énergie du point zéro h.ν2
2. L'hypothèse d'énergie du point zéro fournit un moyen de calculer la formule de Planck sans utiliser de discontinuités. Cependant, il semble douteux que les autres difficultés puissent être surmontées sans l'hypothèse des quanta.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'éther et l'énergie de l'espace selon la physique quantique

Any Classical Description of Nature Requires Classical Electromagnetic Zero-Point Radiation

Timothy H. Boyer, 2011, Cornell University Library, Quantum physics archives

Any attempt to describe nature within classical physics requires the presence of Lorentz-invariant classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation so as to account for the Casimir forces between parallel conducting plates at low temperatures. However, this zero-point radiation also leads to classical explanations for a number of phenomena which are usually regarded as requiring quantum physics. Here we provide a cursory overview of the classical electromagnetic theory which includes classical zero-point radiation, and we note the areas of agreement and disagreement between the classical and quantum theories, both of which contain Planck's constant h.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: Le champ d'énergie du point zéro dans le cadre de l'électromagnétisme classique

Is Planck’s Constant h a QuantumConstant? An Alternative Classical Interpretation

Timothy H. Boyer, 2012, Cornell University Library, Quantum physics archives

Although Planck's constant h is currently regarded as the elementary quantum of action appearing in quantum theory, it can also be interpreted as the multiplicative scale factor setting the scale of classical zero-point radiation appearing in classical electromagnetic theory. Relativistic classical electron theory with classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation gives many results in agreement with quantum theory. The areas of agreement between this classical theory and Nature seem worth further investigation.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: Le champ d'énergie du point zéro dans le cadre de l'électromagnétisme classique

Les champs de torsion et l'énergie spiralée du vide

Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908 –1983) — Discoverer of Lunar Volcanism

Alexander Nikolaevich Dadaev, Progress in Physics, 2009, 3, L3

This paper draws biography of Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908–1983), the Russian as- tronomer who was one of the founders of theoretical astrophysics in the 1930’s, and also discovered Lunar volcanism in 1958.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'éther fluide et tourbillonnaire des champs de torsion

Possibility of experimental study of the properties of time

Nikolaï A. Kozyrev, The Abraham Zelmanov Journal, 2012, 5, 188. Article écrit en 1967

Foreword of the Submitter: This article, an English translation from N.A. Kozyrev’s book: Causal or Unsymmetrical Mechanics in Linear Approximation, Pulkovo Observatory, 1958 (in Russian), based on work done more than 50 years ago, is unique in the archives because it contains both theoretical and experimental results that bear on the causality principle.

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A Substantial Interpretation of N.A. Kozyrev’s Conception of Time

Alexander P. Levich, premier chapitre de l'ouvrage On The Way To Understanding The Time Phenomenon: The Constructions Of Time In Natural Science, World Scientific, 1996, p. 1-42. Volume 39 de Series On Advances In Mathematics For Applied Sciences

N.A.Kozyrev, an outstanding astronomer and natural scientist, enriched the dynamic picture of the World by introducing a new entity, possessing “active properties” and coinciding with neither matter, nor field, nor space-time in its usual understanding. This entity is difficult not only for intuitive or logical perception but also for a verbal description since a proper complex of concepts and images for dealing with the new ideas is yet to be developed.

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Unification of interactions in the theory of physical vacuum

G.I. Shipov, 1996, Preprint 3. MITPF

Present paper shows, that equations of the theory of physical vacuum, based on universal principle of relativity, allow to get the solution, from which the superpotential integrating gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak interactions results. From the superpotential analysis one can see, that the nature of shape factors of elementary particles is connected to weak interactions, which in turn have torsion (i.e. spin-rotary) nature.

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Shipov's vacuum equations and a new scientific paradigm

Lobova M.A.

Shipov proposed a new Scientific Program on Universal Relativity, which lead to a discovery of Equations of Physical Vacuum that describe both Material World and the World of Highest Reality. Shipov’s unique attempt created a New Scientific Paradigm that changed the old materialistic approach to the interpretations of World’s Structure and Forces of Nature.
The new scientific vision is close to the Oriental Philosophy that describes the World as consisting of material elements in their entanglements that are registered and evaluated by Consciousness, i.e. comprising the World of Highest Reality as a Priority Level.

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Shipov on torsion

Interview by Tim Ventura, 1 dec 2005, with revision by Paul A. Murad, pour American Antigravity

Dr. Gennady Shipov is one of the world’s leading physicists in Torsion-Physics research. He joins us to talk about the fundamentals of this emerging branch of scientific discovery, and provides some unique insight into how we can turn the fundamental forces of nature towards the goal of advanced propulsion...

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Inertial Propulsion in Russia

Interview by Tim Ventura, 18 avril 2006, pour American Antigravity

Last month, Dr. Gennady Shipov unveiled a new inertial propulsion drive developed by Russian inventor Vladimir Tolchin, adding to a growing body of Inertial Propulsion & Torsion-Physics research revisiting the basics of mechanical off-center rotators. He joins us to talk about several of the leading contenders in Russian inertial-drive technology, including a device by Valery Menshikov scheduled for testing this year by the Russian Space Agency...

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'éther fluide et tourbillonnaire des champs de torsion

Géométrie dans l'Univers

Magnetic fields and large scale structure in a hot Universe. IV. The egg-carton Universe 

E. Battaner and E. Florido, Astron. Astrophys. 1998, 338, 383?385

Considering the possibility of a network of octahedra contacting at their vertexes for the large scale structure of the present Universe, as was discussed in previous papers of this series, we now try to identify real octahedra in the observed distribution of superclusters and voids. This identification is easy and clear. The network seems to have been deformed locally near the great mass associated to the large Piscis-Cetus complex.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: Aspects géométriques et sonores des créations de l'univers

Modèle géométrique du noyau atomique: nouvelles avancées

Laurence Hecht, Fusion, n°84, janvier - février 2001

En 1987, Fusion publiait un article de Laurence Hecht sur la base géométrique de la périodicité des éléments, s'inspirant d'un modèle conçu par le physicien Robert Moon. Ce dernier a imaginé une structure de solides platoniciens imbriqués les uns dans les autres, aux sommets desquels il a placé les protons. L'auteur réexamine l'hypothèse du Pr. Moon, sous l'angle de l'électrodynamique d'Ampère, Gauss et Weber.

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Les résonances de Schumann

Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysical mechanism for the human health effects of Solar/Geomagnetic Activity

Neil Cherry, Natural Hazards, 2002, 26, 279

A large number of studies have identified significant physical, biological and health effects associated with changes in Solar and Geomagnetic Activity (S-GMA). Variations in solar activity, geomagnetic activity and ionospheric ion/electron concentrations are all mutually highly correlated and strongly linked by geophysical processes. A key scientific question is, what factor is it in the natural environment that causes the observed biological and physical effects? The effects include altered blood pressure and melatonin, increased cancer, reproductive, cardiac and neurological disease and death. Many occupational studies have found that exposure to ELF fields between 16.7 Hz and 50/60 Hz significantly reduces melatonin levels. They are also associated with the same and very similar health effects as the S-GMA effects. The cell membrane has an electric field of the order of 105 V/cm. The ELF brain waves operate at about 10-1 V/cm. Fish, birds, animals and people have been shown to respond to ELF signals that produce tissue electric gradients of ULF/ELF oscillating signals at a threshold of 10-7 to 10-8 V/cm. This involves non-linear resonant absorption of ULF/ELF oscillating signals into systems that use natural ion oscillation signals in the same frequency range. A long-lived, globally available natural ULF/ELF signal, the Schumann Resonance signal, was investigated as the possible plausible biophysical mechanism for the observed S- GMA effects. It is found that the Schumann Resonance signal is extremely highly correlated with S-GMA indices of sunspot number and the Kp index. The physical mechanism is the ionospheric D-region ion/electron density that varies with S-GMA and forms the upper boundary of the resonant cavity in which the Schumann Resonance signal is formed. This provides strong support for identifying the Schumann Resonance signals as the S-GMA biophysical mechanism, primarily through a melatonin mechanism. It strongly supports the classification of S-GMA as a natural hazard.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: Les résonances de Schumann

50 years of Schumann Resonance

Kristian Schlegel and Martin Füllekrug, originally published in Physik in unserer Zeit, 2002, 33(6), 256-26

In 1952 Winfried Otto Schumann, at that time Director of the Electrophysical Institute at the Technical University of Munich, published his first paper about electromagnetic waves in the waveguide which is formed by the earth's surface and the ionosphere. Since this time the study of these, later referred to as Schumann resonance waves, has become an interesting subject for research. With modern measurement techniques the recording of these resonances opens up various application possibilities, ranging from global lightning triangulation, detection of space weather effects to tracking down global climate variations.

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Synopsis of the historical development of Schumann resonances

B. P. Besser, Radio Science, 2007, 42, RS2S02

The life and work of Winfried Otto Schumann and the historical development of the main ideas leading to the hypothesis of Earth-ionosphere cavity electromagnetic oscillations are reviewed. The so-called Schumann resonances are a set of frequencies of electromagnetic waves in the natural cavity formed by a planet’s (moon’s) surface and its ionosphere, in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range, caused by natural electrical activity of the planet (moon) and/or its atmospheric environment. Additionally, the reception of his work by the contemporary scientific community as well as the experimental evidence for the postulated ELF resonance oscillations is described.

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Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Radio Wave Propagation: A review

A.P. Nikolayenko, A. Shvets, and M. Hayakawa, International Journal of Electronics and Applied Research (IJEAR), 2016, 3, 2

The Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF) extend from 3 Hz to 3 kHz. This formal limit corresponds to real physical phenomena in subionospheric radio propagation: the Schumann Resonance (SR) observed in the band between 4 Hz and 40 Hz and the transverse resonance having the basic frequency about 1.7 kHz. When speaking about ELF radio waves, we usually have in mind the subionospheric propagation when electromagnetic wave travels in the spherical dielectric stratum formed by the Earth‟s surface and the lower edge of the ionospheric plasma. The dielectric shell has a small thickness of about 60–100 km in comparison with the Earth‟s radius of ~6366 km. This non-conducting layer forms a spherical cavity resonator, with two sets of eigen-values. One of them corresponds to the global electromagnetic resonance predicted by Schumann [1952], which is often regarded as SR. Its peak frequencies (frequencies of maxima in the power spectra of natural ELF radio noise) are approximately 8, 14, 20, Hz, etc. At such low frequencies, only transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave propagates in the cavity having the non-zero vertical electric Er and horizontal magnetic Hφ field components. If we account for the finite ground conductivity, a small longitudinal electric field Eθ appears. It is clear that we use the spherical polar coordinate system (r, θ, φ) with the origin at the Earth‟s center and the polar θ = 0 axis directed to the vertical electric dipole source.

Owing to small losses and a great wavelength, the resonance signals can multiply & circle the globe, so that direct and antipodal waves interfere forming a set of maxima in the power spectrum of vertical electric or horizontal magnetic fields positioned at the above-mentioned frequencies. Lightning strokes of the global thunderstorms occurring at the rate of 50–100 discharges per second serve as the source of natural ELF radio noise. SR might be regarded as “longitudinal” one: it occurs in the waves propagating along the Earth‟s surface.

The second type of resonance corresponds to vertically propagating radio waves, therefore, it is called the transverse resonance. Relevant waves are captured between the ground and ionosphere, so that their basic frequency depends on the ionosphere height and is equal to 1.7 kHz when the thickness of the ground–ionosphere gap is 88 km. Transverse resonance is a local phenomenon, because it is not linked with the round-the-world propagation. In radio engineering, the eigen-values of transverse resonance are regarded as cutoff frequencies of the modes propagating in the Earth–ionosphere duct. The basic frequency is the cut-off frequency of the first-order mode, the second-order mode has the cutoff equal to the doubled basic frequency of transverse resonance, etc. Obviously, only the basic transverse resonance frequency definitely belongs to the ELF band, while the higher-order modes are found within the very low frequency (VLF) band.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: Les résonances de Schumann

Évolution de la vie et darwinisme

Vie et Mort,
Conséquences de la relativité en biologie

Émile Pinel, ed. Maloine, 1978

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'évolution de la vie et les champs d'information

Shattering the Myths of Darwinism

Richard Milton; édition canadienne Park Street Press Rochester, Vermont, 1997

The book is an objective examination of the scientific merits of Darwinism in light of the most recent scientific findings in the field and in the laboratory, from a scientific rather than religious perspective. Its main conclusion is that neo-Darwinism is little more than a persistent urban myth, unsupported by evidence or experiment.

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Entretien avec le mathématicien Marcel-Paul Schützenberger: les failles du darwinisme

La Recherche 283, janvier 1996, 86

Les théories actuelles n'expliquent pas les miracles de l'évolution

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'évolution de la vie et les champs d'information

Evolution beyond neo-Darwinism: a new conceptual framework

Denis Noble; The Journal of Experimental Biology, 2015, 218, 7

Experimental results in epigenetics and related fields of biological research show that the Modern Synthesis (neo-Darwinist) theory of evolution requires either extension or replacement. This article examines the conceptual framework of neo-Darwinism, including the concepts of ‘gene’, ‘selfish’, ‘code’, ‘program’, ‘blueprint’, ‘book of life’, ‘replicator’ and ‘vehicle’. This form of representation is a barrier to extending or replacing existing theory as it confuses conceptual and empirical matters. These need to be clearly distinguished. In the case of the central concept of ‘gene’, the definition has moved all the way from describing a necessary cause (defined in terms of the inheritable phenotype itself) to an empirically testable hypothesis (in terms of causation by DNA sequences). Neo-Darwinism also privileges ‘genes’ in causation, whereas in multi-way networks of interactions there can be no privileged cause. An alternative conceptual framework is proposed that avoids these problems, and which is more favourable to an integrated systems view of evolution.

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Why an extended evolutionary synthesis is necessary

Gerd B. Müller; Interface Focus, 2017, 7

Since the last major theoretical integration in evolutionary biology—the modern synthesis (MS) of the 1940s—the biosciences have made significant advances. The rise of molecular biology and evolutionary developmental biology, the recognition of ecological development, niche construction and multiple inheritance systems, the ‘-omics’ revolution and the science of systems biology, among other developments, have provided a wealth of new knowledge about the factors responsible for evolutionary change. Some of these results are in agreement with the standard theory and others reveal different properties of the evolutionary process. A renewed and extended theoretical synthesis, advocated by several authors in this issue, aims to unite pertinent concepts that emerge from the novel fields with elements of the standard theory. The resulting theoretical framework differs from the latter in its core logic and predictive capacities. Whereas the MS theory and its various amendments concentrate on genetic and adaptive variation in populations, the extended framework emphasizes the role of constructive processes, ecological interactions and systems dynamics in the evolution of organismal complexity as well as its social and cultural conditions. Single-level and unilinear causation is replaced by multilevel and reciprocal causation. Among other consequences, the extended framework overcomes many of the limitations of traditional gene-centric explanation and entails a revised understanding of the role of natural selection in the evolutionary process. All these features stimulate research into new areas of evolutionary biology.

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'évolution de la vie et les champs d'information

Publications de Nassim Haramein


N. Haramein and E.A. Rauscher; Published in R. L. Amoroso, B. Lehnert & J-P Vigier (eds.) Beyond The Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics, 153-168, © 2005 The Noetic Press, ISSN# 1528-3739.

We address the nature of torque and the Coriolis forces as dynamic properties of the spacetime metric and the stress-energy tensor. The inclusion of torque and Coriolis effects in Einstein's field equations may lead to significant advancements in describing novae and supernovae structures, galactic formations, their center supermassive black holes, polar jets, accretion disks, spiral arms, galactic halo formations and advancements in unification theory as demonstrated in section five. We formulate these additional torque and Coriolis forces terms to amend Einstein?s field equations and solve for a modified Kerr-Newman metric. Lorentz invariance conditions are reconciled by utilizing a modified metrical space, which is not the usual Minkowski space, but the U4 space. This space is a consequence of the Coriolis force acting as a secondary effect generated from the torque terms. The equivalence principle is preserved using an unsymmetric affine connection. Further, the U1 Weyl gauge is associated with the electromagnetic field, where the U4 space is four copies of U1. Thus, the form of metric generates the dual torus as two copies of U1 x U1, which we demonstrate through the S3 spherical space, is related to the SU2 group and other Lie groups. Hence, the S4 octahedral group and the cuboctahedron group of the GUT (Grand Unification Theory) may be related to our U4 space in which we formulate solutions to Einstein?s field equations with the inclusion of torque and Coriolis forces.

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Publications de Peter Gariaev

DNA as Basis for Quantum Biocomputer

Peter P. Gariaev,, Peter J. Marcer, Katherine A. Leonova-Gariaeva, Uwe Kaempf, Valeriy D. Artjukh; DNA Decipher Journal, January 2011, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 025-046

Experimental work carried out in Moscow at the Institute of Control Sciences, Wave Genetics Inc., Quantum Genetics Institute and theoretical work from several sources are described in this work. It is suggested that: (1) The evolution of biosystems has created genetic "texts", similar to natural context dependent texts in human languages, shaping the text of these speech-like patterns; (2) The chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them, and (3) The chromosome continuum of multicellular organisms is analogous to a staticdynamical multiplex time-space holographic grating, which comprises the space-time of an organism in a convoluted form. Thus, the DNA action (as theory predicts and experiment confirms) is that of a "gene-sign" laser and its solitonic electro-acoustic fields, such that the gene-biocomputer "reads and understands" these texts in a manner similar to human thinking, but at its own genomic level of "reasoning". It is asserted that natural human texts (irrespectively of the language used), and genetic "texts" have similar mathematicallinguistic and entropic-statistic characteristics, where these concern the fractality of the distribution of the character frequency density in the natural and genetic texts, and where in case of genetic "texts", the characters are identified with the nucleotides. Further, DNA molecules, conceived as a gene-sign continuum of any biosystem, are able to form holographic pre-images of biostructures and of the organism as a whole as a registry of dynamical "wave copies" or "matrixes", succeeding each other. This continuum is the measuring, calibrating field for constructing its biosystem.

Key words: DNA, quantum, biocomputer, genetic code, human language, quantum holography.

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    version récente 2011
    version originale 2001

Article de présentation dans ce site: L'ADN électromagnétique et la communication entre cellules

Traduction française: L'onde ADN bio-numérique

Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko, Peter J. Marcer, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf; 2001

Cet article fait part d'un travail expérimental réalisé à Moscou à l'Institute of Control Sciences, Wave Genetics Inc. et de travaux théoriques provenant de plusieurs sources. Ce travail modifie la notion de code génétique de façon essentielle. Il affirme :
1) que l'évolution des bio-systèmes a créé des « textes » génétiques, semblables aux textes dépendants du contexte naturel dans les langages humains, modelant le texte de ces schémas analogues au langage,
2) que l'appareil chromosomique agit simultanément à la fois comme source et récepteur de ces textes génétiques, les décodant et les encodant respectivement,
3) et que le continuum chromosomique d'organismes multicellulaires est analogue à une grille holographique espace-temps multiplexe statico-dynamique, qui comprend l'espace-temps d'un organisme dans une forme vrillée.

Autrement dit, l'action de l'ADN, comme la théorie le prédit et l'expérience le confirme, (i) est celle d'un « gène-signe » laser et de ses champs électro-acoustiques solitoniques, de telle manière que le gène bio-numérique « lit et comprend » ces messages de façon similaire à la pensée humaine, mais à son propre niveau génomique de raisonnement. Ce qui soutient que les textes humains naturels (quel que soit le langage utilisé) et les « textes » génétiques ont des caractéristiques mathématico-linguistiques et entropo-statistiques similaires, qui se rapportent à la fractalité de distribution de la densité de fréquence de la caractéristique dans les textes naturels et génétiques, et lorsqu'en cas de « textes » génétiques, les caractéristiques sont identifiées par les nucléotides,
(ii) et que les molécules d'ADN, conçues comme un continuum de gène-signe de n'importe quel bio-système, sont capables de former des pré-images holographiques de bio-structures et de l'organisme comme un tout et comme un registre de « copies d'ondes » ou de « matrices » dynamiques, se succédant les unes aux autres. Ce continuum représente le champ de mesure, de calibrage, pour construire son bio-système.

Mots-clés: ADN, onde bio-numérique, code génétique, langage humain, holographie quantique

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Article de présentation dans ce site: L'ADN électromagnétique et la communication entre cellules

Principles of Linguistic-Wave Genetics

Peter P. Gariaev, Mark J. Friedman, Ekaterina A. Leonova-Gariaeva; DNA Decipher Journal, January 2011, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 011-024

To create an organism, two genetic programs are required. The first one is geometric, i.e. a scheme, how to design the body. The second program is in the form of a meaningful text which contains instructions and explanations how to use the first program, how to understand and build the organism. These programs exist in the form of "DNA video tapes", which are used by the genetic apparatus, acting like a bio-computer. When the bio-computer reads these video tapes, sound and light images appear that constitute the movie program of the development of the organism. When the creation of a grown-up organism is completed, the movie ends. Then the second movie starts, which contains the instructions for maintenance of the organism for indefinitely long time. Unfortunately, the videotapes containing information about a perfectly healthy organism, get corrupted with time, errors accumulate (DNA mutations). The instructions accumulate errors and the organism gets sick, grows old and dies. It is very likely that these DNA video tapes can be renewed and corrected. With this new understanding of how our genetic apparatus works, completely new technologies for healing a person and extending a person's life become feasible. And this is the essence of wave genetics and its practical applications to come.

Key words: DNA, genetic program, biological science, crisis, wave genetics

Emplacements d'origine:
    version récente 2011
    version originale 2006

Article de présentation dans ce site: L'ADN électromagnétique et la communication entre cellules

Publications de Luc Montagnier

DNA waves and water

L. Montagnier, J. Aissa, E. Del Giudice, C. Lavallee, A. Tedeschi, and G. Vitiello, 5th International Workshop DICE2010 des prix Nobel, Lindau, Journal of Physics, 2011, 306, 012007

Some bacterial and viral DNA sequences have been found to induce low frequency electromagnetic waves in high aqueous dilutions. This phenomenon appears to be triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency. We discuss this phenomenon in the framework of quantum field theory. A scheme able to account for the observations is proposed. The reported phenomenon could allow to develop highly sensitive detection systems for chronic bacterial and viral infections.

Emplacements d'origine:; (consulté en juin 2016)

Article de présentation dans ce site: L'ADN électromagnétique et la communication entre cellules

Electromagnetic signals are produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequences

Luc MONTAGNIER, Jamal AÏSSA, Stéphane FERRIS, Jean-Luc MONTAGNIER, Claude LAVALLÉE; Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci, 2009, 1, 81

A novel property of DNA is described: the capacity of some bacterial DNA sequences to induce electromagnetic waves at high aqueous dilutions. It appears to be a resonance phenomenon triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency waves. The genomic DNA of most pathogenic bacteria contains sequences which are able to generate such signals. This opens the way to the development of highly sensitive detection system for chronic bacterial infections in human and animal diseases.

Key words: DNA, electromagnetic signals, bacteria.

Emplacement d'origine:
  (consulté en mai 2021)
(consulté en juin 2016)

Article de présentation dans ce site: L'ADN électromagnétique et la communication entre cellules

Une séquence d'ADN reconstituée à partir de la mémoire de l'eau ?

Mae-Wan Ho, Rapport de ISIS, 20/07/2011. Traduction française Jacques Hallard

Selon le chercheur lauréat du prix Nobel pour ses travaux sur le VIH, de l'eau ne transportant que la signature électromagnétique d'une séquence d'ADN, peut conduire à une réplique de la séquence d'origine, à partir de simples molécules, jouant le rôle d'éléments de construction.

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 (consulté en juin 2016)

Article de présentation dans ce site: L'ADN électromagnétique et la communication entre cellules

Publications de Joël Sternheimer sur les protéodies

Ondes d'échelle et régulation épigénétique de la biosynthèse des protéines

Joël Sternheimer, 1991

Lorsqu'un individu ressent une émotion, l'ébranlement qui parcourt son être met en correspondance l'échelle, microscopique, de l'expression des gènes avec l'échelle, macroscopique, de l'individu lui-même. Cette correspondance présente les caractéristiques physiques d'une onde d'échelle (...). Si cette interprétation est correcte, il doit exister une correspondance structurelle précise entre l'expression d'un gène et un phénomène sensible situé à notre échelle; et, l'onde pouvant parcourir l'échelle dans les deux sens, il doit être possible d'agir de façon spécifique, par l'intermédiaire des sens, sur l'expression des gènes. (Document préparatoire au brevet de 1992 sur la régulation épigénétique de la biosynthèse des protéines).

Emplacement d'origine: (consulté en février 2023)

Article de présentation dans ce site: La musique de l'ADN et des protéines

Ondes d'échelle. I. Partie physique - théorie linéaire

Joël Sternheimer, 1992

Un examen attentif du rôle de l'échelle dans le processus de mesure amène à la considérer comme un paramètre physique autonome par rapport aux dimensions d'espace-temps. Les ondes d'échelle, dont l'existence en découle dans une théorie quantique, permettent ainsi d'assurer la cohérence entre les descriptions et manifestation d'un système physique à différentes échelles d'observation. On en donne une forme explicite, permettant d'évaluer certains rapports d'échelle fondamentaux apparaissant dans la nature, et notamment dans les masses et les durées de vie des particules.

Emplacement d'origine: (consulté en février 2023)

Article de présentation dans ce site: La musique de l'ADN et des protéines

Exposé à l'Académie des Sciences de Tokyo-Kanagawa

Joël Sternheimer, 1993

Exposé de Joël STERNHEIMER à l'invitation de l'Académie des sciences de Tokyo-Kanagawa pour le personnel médical de l'hopital Teikyo, le 20 mai 1993 (invité par Shinroku Saito, président de la Kanagawa Science Academy, Tokyo). Je ne sais si l'on vous a dit, avant de venir ici, que cet exposé porte sur le fait que certaines molécules étaient ''musicales'', et que cela avait des applications pour soigner; je vais donc vous expliquer comment, ce que cela veut dire, et dans quel sens.

Emplacement d'origine: (consulté en février 2023)

Article de présentation dans ce site: La musique de l'ADN et des protéines

Ondes échelle II. Aperçu de théorie non-linéaire et d'applications biologiques.

Joël Sternheimer, 1994

Emplacement d'origine: (consulté en février 2023)

Article de présentation dans ce site: La musique de l'ADN et des protéines

Dialoguer avec le vivant

Entretien avec Joël Sternheimer, par Anne de Grossouvre, Alliance n° 3, 2005

Joël STERNHEIMER est physicien, chercheur indépendant. Très préoccupé par les questions d'éthique dans le domaine scientifique, il fait partie de cette génération de chercheurs qui s'interrogent sur la place laissée au sujet dans la science contemporaine et recherchent un nouveau rapport au vivant. Depuis un vingtaine d'années, il travaille sur les protéodies - suite de fréquences associées à la synthèse des protéines - dont l'application représente une alternative tant à l'utilisation de la chimie qu'à celle des manipulations génétiques. Ses recherches en physique sont également sous-tendues par une réflexion philosophique qui lui donne une lecture particulière du développement de la science, autant que de la marche du monde contemporain.

Emplacement d'origine: (consulté en février 2023)

Article de présentation dans ce site: La musique de l'ADN et des protéines

Le monde économique et financier

L'ile des naufragés, Fable qui fait comprendre le mystère de l'argent

Louis Even, 1936, magazine Vers Demain

L'un des premiers écrits de Louis Even, qui demeure l'un des plus populaires pour faire comprendre la création de l'argent.

Emplacement d'origine:
(consulté en aout 2021)

Article de présentation dans ce site: Attitudes de contrôle et de manipulation

The network of global corporate control

Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, Stefano Battiston; arxiv:1107.5728, 19 sep. 2011

The structure of the control network of transnational corporations affects global market com- petition and financial stability. So far, only small national samples were studied and there was no appropriate methodology to assess control globally. We present the first investigation of the architecture of the international ownership network, along with the computation of the control held by each global player. We find that transnational corporations form a giant bow-tie struc- ture and that a large portion of control flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions. This core can be seen as an economic “super-entity” that raises new important issues both for researchers and policy makers.

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(consulté en aout 2021)

Article de présentation dans ce site: Attitudes de contrôle et de manipulation


Flipping a Switch Inside the Head

W. Wayt Gibbs, April 1 2017, Seek, The Rockfeller University

With new technology, scientists are able to exert wireless control over brain cells of mice with just the push of a button. The first thing they did was make the mice hungry.

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(consulté en aout 2021)

Article de présentation dans ce site: Attitudes de contrôle et de manipulation

Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells

Bramini M, Alberini G, Colombo E, Chiacchiaretta M, DiFrancesco ML, Maya-Vetencourt JF, Maragliano L, Benfenati F, Cesca F, Front. Syst. Neurosci., 2018, 12, 12

The scientific community has witnessed an exponential increase in the applications of graphene and graphene-based materials in a wide range of fields, from engineering to electronics to biotechnologies and biomedical applications. For what concerns neuroscience, the interest raised by these materials is two-fold.
On one side, nanosheets made of graphene or graphene derivatives (graphene oxide, or its reduced form) can be used as carriers for drug delivery. Here, an important aspect is to evaluate their toxicity, which strongly depends on flake composition, chemical functionalization and dimensions.
On the other side, graphene can be exploited as a substrate for tissue engineering. In this case, conductivity is probably the most relevant amongst the various properties of the different graphene materials, as it may allow to instruct and interrogate neural networks, as well as to drive neural growth and differentiation, which holds a great potential in regenerative medicine.
In this review, we try to give a comprehensive view of the accomplishments and new challenges of the field, as well as which in our view are the most exciting directions to take in the immediate future. These include the need to engineer multifunctional nanoparticles (NPs) able to cross the blood-brain-barrier to reach neural cells, and to achieve on-demand delivery of specific drugs.
We describe the state-of-the-art in the use of graphene materials to engineer three-dimensional scaffolds to drive neuronal growth and regeneration in vivo, and the possibility of using graphene as a component of hybrid composites/multi-layer organic electronics devices.
Last but not least, we address the need of an accurate theoretical modeling of the interface between graphene and biological material, by modeling the interaction of graphene with proteins and cell membranes at the nanoscale, and describing the physical mechanism(s) of charge transfer by which the various graphene materials can influence the excitability and physiology of neural cells.

Emplacement d'origine: (consulté en aout 2021)

Article de présentation dans ce site: Attitudes de contrôle et de manipulation
